Donate in memory of someone who has passed away. The memorial plaque located in the foyer of the Health Services near the Emergency seating area.
During the Christmas Season, family and friends can make special donations, either by sending a Christmas greeting or as a Memorial Tribute to someone special.
Should you, or your family member, wish to leave a bequest to the Foundation, it is recommended that you consult with a lawyer in the preparation of the will.
You can direct your donation to:
Donations can be directed to the area of greatest need within a unit, program, or facility. With every dollar going exactly where you direct it, this is really the best way to thank those who made a difference.
Purchase a new macerator for acute care which ensures every bedpan and its contents can be safely disposed of, whilst a new bedpan can be used for the next patient.
Overhead Lifts
Replace the current overhead lift in acute care. This device is the most comfortable and effective way to lift and move patients.
Sorrento Chairs
Purchase a new Sorrento chair which is designed to reduce pressure, prevent sliding and falls while encouraging mobilization for patients who spend a majority of their time in bed.
Cardiac Monitors
Replace wall and portable cardiac monitors from the Dash 4/5000 to the Carescape B450. This device allows medical staff the power to monitor patients with diverse acuities.
Purchase new commodes that allow patients to easily be transported to the bathroom or shower.
Seatbelt and/or Chair Alarms
Purchase seatbelt and/or chair alarms which prevent patients from falling from chairs and wheelchairs by recognizing the gesture of a patient attempting to stand. Patient falls are one of the greatest causes of injury in hospitals.